Technical Support

We are commited to provide total assistance to our customers, always.

Technical assistance and maintenance

Our clients, both in Brazil and abroad, can count on Lilla’s

engineering team to provide assistance, reducing drastically

stops in their factories.

The support we provide is preventive or corrective according to each Lilla’s customer request.
Our customers can always count on us for technical services, spare parts and equipment maintenance, what will keep them producing constantly.

Remote assistance

We also provide an assistance option serviced

faster and more affordable, the remote assistance.
In this modality, through internet our specialized engineers

gain access to customers system and, whenever possible, solve

problems remotely.
Whenever customer desire to obtain faster solutions, the new technologies allow such fast and efficient interactions.

Permanent assistance

The Lilla’s expert team of engineers always keeps

the readiness to render urgent assistances in any

site, at any time.

Always count us in when it comes to Lilla’s techincal support:


+55 11 3511-4495 –  +55 11 97097-1437 –

Lilla makes available top-notch technology customized according to
each customer’s needs.